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Humane Wildlife Removal

Wildlife Exclusion Pricing

Attic Installation and Restoration

$199.00 off

Free Inspection

Attic Capping Available

Full Attic Restoration Available 

Free Inspections


Wildlife tapping included with all wildlife damage repairs.

Free inspection 

Armadillo Trapping


1 week / Unlimited removal 

2 Trap set up (at den site)

Free inspection

1 Den Capping Included

Most wildlife are not physically threatening to humans. They are merely adjusting to their surroundings in suburban and urban environments. This situation forces them to make their homes in your attics, crawlspaces, and walls thus causing displeasing odors and mayhem. 

Make an appointment with a wildlife removal specialist evict your critters today.

All exclusions include a one-year warranty and may be extended for an additional year at NO cost.

Restrictions Apply: Upon the conclusion of the one-year warranty of your property.

The property must be visually inspected, and customers must already be enrolled in Evict A Critter's pest control management services billed on a quarterly basis.


Raccoons can carry many diseases that present significant health hazards to both people and pets. Some of these diseases are asymptomatic, showing no signs of infection, and often do not affect raccoons, but can still be passed on and deadly to other animals, including humans.

Because it is not possible to be certain if a wild animal is sick, it is safer to consider the animal a hazard and avoid it. One of our wildlife removal specialist will inspect your residence and give you a detailed report to resolve any wildlife issue. 


Squirrels can be entertaining to watch (though agitating for dogs) and can be attracted to your landscape with minimal effort.

Attracting squirrels with feeders, however, is not recommended because that could lead to more problems than benefits. Feeders often encourage more squirrels to live in an area than can be supported by the surrounding habitat. 

When this occurs, they may search out nesting sites in your home, causing property damage. Many squirrels that take up residence in an attic or garage ceiling can be traced to a feeding situation.


Males and females have similar home range sizes that vary by season. Summer home ranges average 15–20 acres, whereas winter home ranges average 2–8 acres.

Nine-banded armadillos are unlikely to travel more than half a mile from where they are born. Nine-banded armadillos are excellent diggers and live in underground burrows up to 7 ft. deep and 20 ft. long.

An individual will excavate and maintain an average of ten underground burrows within its home range. Nine-banded armadillos are insectivores that use their keen sense of smell to locate their food as their eyesight is notably poor. 

They forage for grubs, beetles, worms, and ants by digging shallow holes with their clawed feet and probing the soil with their long snouts.


Florida is home to 46 species of native snakes, only 6 of which are venomous. Venomous snakebites are rare and can often be avoided; however, responding correctly to venomous snakebites is important.

Snakes play important roles in our natural ecosystems and should be respected rather than feared. Snakes are important predators that help control rodent populations that can spread disease to humans. They are also important prey for birds, mammals, alligators, and even other snakes.

Some non-venomous snakes, such as the Eastern Indigo Snake and Common Kingsnake, even eat venomous snakes!


All the bats of Florida rest during daylight hours, taking shelter in a variety of places such as attics, soffits, caves, mines, buildings, boat docks, bridges, culverts, rock crevices, under tree bark, and amongst foliage. 

Many species congregate in nursery colonies during the spring and disperse in July and August. The crowding of many bats into a nursery colony during spring and summer raises the temperature of the roost to more than 100°F. 

Because young bats have no fur, they need warm and humid conditions to survive.

Bats are the only mammals capable of true flight. Bats are not rodents. They are in the taxonomic order Chiroptera, which means "hand-wing." 

The forelimbs of bats have the same configuration as other mammals, but the bones of the fingers of bats are extremely elongated to support membranous wings. 

The hind limbs are also modified to allow bats to hang, head-down, by their toes without expending energy.


Rats and mice are important rodent pests entering Florida homes and warehouses for food and harborage. These rodents eat any kind of food that people eat. They also contaminate 10 times as much food as they eat, with urine, droppings and hair. 

They can carry at least 10 different kinds of diseases including bubonic plague, murine typhus, spirochetal jaundice, Leptospirosis, rabies, rat bite fever, and bacterial food poisoning. Many times, rats bite sleeping children while trying to get bits of food on the child that were not washed off before going to bed. 

Rats and mice also start fires by gnawing matches and electrical wires in homes. The Norway rat, roof rat and house mouse are the most persistent rodent populations in need of control.

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